30×30 Newsletter: Hitting the Ground Running in 2024!

February 26, 2024 | California Natural Resources Agency

30×30 in Action

It has been an incredible start to the new year, with significant public funding awarded to support 30×30 projects throughout California. In just the last two weeks, the Wildlife Conservation Board approved nearly $100 million in grants to 31 habitat conservation and restoration projects, and they are just one of several State entities working with partners to make great things happen on the ground! These grants support our 30×30 goal and will protect biodiversity, expand access, and address climate change. Here are few examples of these newly funded projects.

California Council of Land Trusts (CLCT) – The Wildlife Conservation Board awarded $5 million to CLCT for their The California Onward Capacity Building and Grant Program: Accelerating Conservation to Reach 30×30. These funds will support capacity-building and other work by California’s land trusts and will result in an additional one million acres of land conserved over the next three years – contributing directly towards our 30×30 goal!

Conservation Strides in San Luis Obispo County – The Wildlife Conservation Board and State Coastal Conservancy awarded funds to The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County to conserve 27,500 acres of habitat for 299 native animal species and 250 native plant species. This project will connect protected land, open space, and wildlife corridors extending from Carrizo Plain National Monument to the south and Big Sur to the north.

Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Swap – Land swaps can be an effective tool to expand 30×30 conservation areas. On February 15, 2024, The State Coastal Conservancy approved a transfer of five acres that can be developed in exchange for the conservation and restoration of a 150-acre land parcel that protects wetlands, maintains open space, and provides public access opportunities in the City of Long Beach. 

San Geronimo Golf Course Restoration – California is a part of a nationwide trend to rewild former golf courses for conservation. Renamed “San Geronimo Commons” after acquisition by the Trust for Public Land, this former golf course in the Northern Bay Area is now durably protected for biodiversity and public access. Restoration is underway, with plans to reconnect floodplains for migratory species and breeding grounds for endangered coho salmon and threatened steelhead trout.

Whale Tail Grant Winners – The California Coastal Commission awarded $2.3 million to 60 nonprofit organizations, local and tribal governments, and schools for projects and programs that provide educational experiences focused on coastal protection, public access, and environmental justice.