Maximizing 30×30 Outcomes: Multi-benefit Conservation for Biodiversity, Access, and Climate


California’s 30x30 initiative aims to expand conservation to achieve three key objectives: 1) protect and restore biodiversity, 2) enhance access to nature, and 3) mitigate and build resilience to climate change. Not all conserved lands and coastal waters can or should meet all three objectives; however, their combined synergy is needed to create a connected and ecologically resilient mosaic. Join ...

Capacity Building Grants Informational Webinar


California Council of Land Trusts (CCLT) is excited to announce the availability of approximately $1 million of Capacity Building Grants specifically for land trusts and their partners. Interested parties are invited to join our upcoming Capacity Building Grants Informational Webinar on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 from 12:00pm-1:00pm. Register at: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information ...

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